Powerfuff Girls avatar of Elle

Hi! I'm Elle

the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin as seen from the Pariser Platz

a North Sea coast transplant living in Berlin, Germany.

As a career-changer late in life, I've internalized that you never stop learning.

The site you're currently visiting is my playground to get better in what I do, it's an ongoing work in progress.

About Me

Elle and her husband on a rainy day, standing on the Straße des 17. Juni

I'm a Frontend Engineer, living in Berlin with my husband and our senior cats Peaches and Simon.

With my background of 26 years in print media as digital media designer, image editor and proof reader, I'm working on and improving in merging the digital and physical world - to turn things into semantic HTML and subjectively pretty CSS.

One of the things I'm currently doing is building the first draft of this portfolio site you are currently visiting. This draft is a work in progress and non-modular on purpose. If you want to check out the code, visit the portfolio project on GitHub.

When I'm not working, you might catch me training for my next run, find me getting my socks rocked off at a gig or spot me strolling around in a museum or gallery.

Pre-Corona I loved to travel, I hope to be able to pick this up again some day soon.

Current weather in Berlin, Germany


- - °C

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Wind speed: - km/h

Wind direction: -

-(am) -(pm)



open mac book standing on a desktop

I’m planning to little by little put all of my handwritten findings about „the galaxy life, the universe and everything“ into my blog section, along with general blog posts.

Click here for blog posts overview